It was great to have Andy Flannagan from Christians in Politics speak at one of our business breakfasts sharing about his work in the political field as well as being a worship leader in Parliament and across the nation.
The short video below will give you an insight into Andy’s message on the importance of good governance and how we as believers are called to image God’s rule and reign, demonstrating the Kingdom rather than building it.
In addition to heading up Christians in Politics, Andy is a talented singer-songwriter who carries God’s presence. He blessed us with his insights into God’s words, prayerful songs and reports of how the Lord is moving in Westminster, particularly through the Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast.
Christians in politics, the marketplace?
“God’s heart for good governance, goes all the way through scripture,” says Andy, “whether you’re looking at the Jubilee or Sabbath principles or the New Testament Church. The way things were ordered from the very start, Adam and Eve were called to serve, lead and image his rule and reign in the midst of all of creation, called into public leadership. And interestingly called into public leadership, before the Fall, before anyone went wrong.
“It’s very easy to see politics as just a practical thing that we need. You know, we live in a fallen world, we’ve got to be involved in the messiness of politics. Some theologians I disagree with, say politics is a necessary evil to constrain evil. Because we live in a fallen world. No, Genesis 1 screams something completely different. It says to Adam and Eve, ‘you are called to lead’ and that happens before the Fall, before anything goes wrong.
“So, this call to leadership in the public space, whether that’s in business, whether that’s an education, whether that’s in politics, that call to lead in the public sphere that happened before anything went wrong. It’s a holy calling. It’s a divine vocation. It’s not just fixing the problems in the world. So it’s not a practical functional idea. It’s imagining His rule and reign.
“And if you’ve got that divine, calling that Holy vocation to whatever sphere you’re called to, it changes that metric of what success looks like. Because sometimes imaging his rule and reign will look like winning in the world’s eyes. And sometimes it will look like very successful projects and programmes, sometimes it will look like taking a lot of knocks for Jesus on social media. But our job is not to fix the world. Our job is to image his rule and reign. That was the Adam and Eve role. That is the call. We’re here to demonstrate the Kingdom not build the Kingdom.”
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